- Orthopedics and Traumotology
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Transplantation
- Ophthalmology
- Infertility Treatment
- Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery
- Dental Treatment
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Hair Transplantation
Chemotherapy is a medical oncology method that is used in the treatment of oncology: brain tumors, as well as lungs, prostate, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, breast and gynecological tumors. Chemotherapy is the eradication of a tumor by oral administration of drugs or by intravenous administration, and drugs can be administered through the abdominal cavity or through the limbs. After treatment of oncology with chemotherapy, it is important to provide a comprehensive care regime to help the patient cope with possible side effects. The goal of the medical oncology department is to provide patients with the maximum protection during slowing or preventing the spread of cancer cells, leading to the eradication of cancer followed by surgical or radiotherapy, if necessary.
The price of treatment is set individually. The cost is affected by a number of factors that are discussed directly with the patient.
Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Studies show that skin cancer is more common.
There are many types of skin cancer, each of which, looks different.
Often the first stage of skin cancer is the signs of dry roughness. They precede the appearance of skin cancer, and if left untreated, they can grow into it. As a rule, they appear in fair-skinned people after 40 years. They develop as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun for many years. Despite this, actinic keratoses can appear in young people living in sunny regions or those visiting the solarium. Most often, the roughness occurs in the head, neck, hands and palms. The risk that they will develop into malignant formations means that they require treatment.
This is the most common type of skin cancer. It looks like a swelling, pearl edema or an open wound. Sometimes it can look like pinkish spots that appear in places most exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck and hands. On the trunk and limbs, they appear less often. Usually they grow slowly and rarely spread to other parts of the body. However, they require immediate treatment. This type of cancer can penetrate and damage surrounding tissues, nerves and bones, as well as become a cause of injury.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common type of skin cancer. As a rule, it looks like a large solid red swelling, or it disappears and appears again in the form of ulcers. This type of skin cancer is more common in light-skinned people, but also occurs in people with darker skin. This can lead to serious injuries and injury, as the skin can develop metastases. Early diagnosis can prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.
This type of cancer is more like a mole or a sudden appearance on the skin of a black spot. In any case, it can be fatal. In the United States, 8,500 people die of melanoma every year, and so it has become known as the deadliest form of cancer. In addition, it is increasingly found in Turkiye and other countries.
An important factor is the location and appearance of the moles that form on the body. If they are detected and treated at an early stage, the chances of recovery are high. Pay attention to ABCDE (Asymmetry, Borders, Color, Diameter, Evolving over time) of melanoma:
Asymmetry: one half of the mole is externally different from the other;
Borders (uneven, dentate and fuzzy);
Color (motley): the color of one part differs from the other. They can be brown, black, sometimes white, red and blue;
Diameter (more than 6 mm (0.24 inches), approximately - the size of the pencil eraser), may be smaller;
Evolution in time: over time they become unlike other birthmarks on the body, or change shape, size and color, look like a defeat. Other distinguishing features are discharge, itching or bleeding.
Exposure to solar radiation: this risk can be minimized with protective lotions and clothing, as well as avoiding any sunbathing.
Light skin color (blondes, reds): people with dark skin color may also be at risk. These people usually develop melanoma on the palms, feet, cuticles, mouth and genital area.
Family history of melanoma: the risk of developing melanoma is significantly increased if your relatives on 1 line (parent, brother, sister or child) suffered from melanoma.
Risk increases if you have a large number of moles or atypical moles (50 or more). Atypical moles are not carcinogenic. However, they require careful monitoring in connection with various ways of their development.
The chances of recovery from basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma for early detection and treatment are about 95%. The chances of recovery are high until metastases appear. Frequent inspections are the best method of early detection. Introspection is also possible. You should immediately seek medical help if you notice a sudden appearance of the birthmark or a change in the appearance, size or color of the existing birthmark.
People who are under prolonged exposure to the sun, with a family history of skin cancer (especially melanoma), with numerous moles, atypical moles or people who are in any other high-risk group should visit a dermatologist for regular checks, annually, and in some cases even more often.
If your dermatologist determines the risk of developing skin cancer, then he must remove part of the mole for a detailed evaluation under a microscope. This is called a biopsy. A dermatologist can easily perform this procedure at the clinic. In the event that the presence of cancer cells was determined during a biopsy, further treatment may be required. In cases of early detection, surgical treatment may be sufficient. In more complex cases (especially if it has spread to other organs), treatment may vary. Treatment will depend on the type of cancer, its scale and location, as well as the individual needs of the patient.
The most important risk factor for all types of skin cancer, including melanoma, is exposure to sunlight. The recommendations below will help you safely in the sun:
Use a wide range of waterproof tanning lotions with SPF 30 or more. A wide range of products provides protection from UVA and UVB rays. You should reapply the lotion every two hours after sweating or sweating, and also use it in cloudy weather.
Wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and blouses, trousers, caps and sunglasses.
Stay in the shade. Remember that the most dangerous sun is from 10 am to 4 days. If your shadow is shorter than your own growth, then you need to find a shadow.
Protect your children by making sure that they play in the shade, are wearing protective clothing and use a protective lotion.
Be especially careful in places where there is a lot of water, snow or sand, as they reflect sunlight.
Get your daily diet of vitamin D from food, not from sunlight.
Do not go to the solarium. If you want to have tanned skin, then use natural means for sunbathing and sun protection.
If you notice any changes in your skin, an increase or bleeding of the moles, spots on the body, go to the dermatologist for advice. Skin cancer can be easily cured if detected early.
Early detection and treatment is the key to overcoming melanoma. You may need someone's help for self-examination. After examining the body carefully and setting the location of moles and freckles. Do not forget to examine your body everyone to two months. If you notice any changes, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
Stand in front of the mirror with arms outstretched above your head. Having inspected the body in front and behind, and then the right and left sides.
Bend your arms in the elbows to examine your forearms, the back of your shoulders and your armpits.
Check the back of your legs, feet and between your fingers.
Use a mirror to check the back of the neck and scalp.
Finally, check the lower back and thighs.
A prerequisite for conducting a surgery with a therapeutic goal is the fact that the lesion is limited to the organ or lymph nodes where it first appeared. These patients should not have distant metastases and, pathologically, there should be no tumors in the section obtained by surgical resection. Tumors can be completely removed from patients, provided that their boundaries are clearly defined. However, there are cases when the tumor cannot be removed completely. In such cases, palliative resection can be used to minimize the bulk of the tumor. In addition, the removal of metastases, if they are in small quantities, improves the patient's chances of recovery. Oncological surgery can also be used in palliative therapy (pain relief). It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of pain arising from the lesion.
In some cases, the only effective method of treating malignant neoplasms remains surgical intervention, despite the development of new effective types of drug and radiation therapy. In most cases of cancer, the best results are achieved with the use of combined treatment, which includes, in addition to systemic chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy, surgical removal of tumor foci. Moreover, even for a group of patients, the standard of treatment, which is a conservative method, often only surgical intervention allows to avoid serious complications of the tumor process, allowing to create more comfortable conditions for adequate systemic and / or radiation treatment.
Radical surgical treatment of early stages of malignant neoplasms allows to achieve excellent oncological results. In addition, the small size of the tumor in a number of cases allows the use of a less aggressive surgical approach (laparoscopic and endoscopic methods of oncosurgery) compared with the standard, without prejudice to the patient. In this regard, against the background of increasing interest in the preservation and maintenance of a satisfactory quality of life for cancer patients, the proportion of organ-preserving surgical operations is gradually increasing.
Initially Da Vinci (Da Vinci) was developed by NASA to provide medical assistance to astronauts.
In addition to the general benefits of all laparoscopic operations, robotic operations performed with the Da Vinci robot are more accurate, the risk of infection is virtually reduced to zero, short periods of hospitalization and rehabilitation.
In the context of the fields of application, surgical operations are divided into four main groups:
Prophylactic surgery: removal of risk tissues that turn into malignant, surgically. Polyps in the intestines, skin lesions and breast implants can be treated with preventive surgery ( organ transplantation ).
Biopsy: a method defined as taking samples and assessing the pathology of samples taken during a surgical operation performed by several medical instruments. Absolute diagnosis can be established using a biopsy.
Determination of the stage of the disease: a method known as taking samples from the required sites to determine how widely the lesion has spread.
Auxiliary: protective therapy performed as soon as the stage of defeat is determined.