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Infertility Treatment

It is believed that every one of the seven married couples are faced with a problem of infertility. The problem of infertility has a profound psychological and social impact on each of the spouses.

Modern methods of assisted reproductive technologies help many couples find happiness in becoming parents.

Clinic of Infertility Treatment

Turkish Center for IVF and PGD (preimplatatsionnoy genetic diagnosis) aims s to increase reproductive ability, fertility and successful childbirth, in general, the treatment of infertility. Transplanted embryos are under the constant supervision and supervision of qualified specialists. The Turkish centers have the most advanced laboratory systems, embryoscopic equipment, high-tech incubators and other technologies -  which significantly increases the success rate of fertility even in cases that previously did not respond to treatment.

The main cause of infertility, in most cases, is genetic. Turkish modern genetic UE laboratory aim to identify and address such issues by determining the germ cells anomalies (gametes) embryos and that leads to the development of effective and successful strategy for treatment of infertility patients.

Infertility Treatment: Common Problems

10-15% of all married couples suffer from infertility, defined as inability to conceive after at least a year of attempts. However, after the examination and treatment of infertility, about two-thirds of these pairs are born children.

Causes of infertility in men:

  • Low quality of sperm, for example because of hereditary disease, infections or vices;
  • Clogged sperm ducts, due to rupture or prostate surgery;
  • Impotence, for example due to diabetes;
  • Antibodies to own sperm;
  • Deficiency of hormones, for example in connection with a tumor of the brain.
  • Hormonal imbalance, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • Turner's syndrome (a genetic disease where one X chromosome is completely or partially absent);
  • Endometriosis;
  • Overweight or underweight;
  • Damage of the fallopian tubes;
  • Early menopause;
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Cancer of the reproductive organs ( treatment of oncology )
  • Damage to testicles due to chemotherapy;
  • Chromosomal abnormalities and hereditary genetic disorders;
  • Stress;
  • Age.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

The most common cause of problems with ovulation is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which occurs in 5-10% of all women of childbearing age. PCOS is of hereditary origin and may lead to an increase in the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, problems with insulin and a violation of the sugar balance in the blood.

The disease leads to the appearance of numerous small cysts - immature follicles - in the ovaries, the absence of ovulation and irregular monthly. PCOS is treated with diet, exercise, weight loss programs and contraceptive pills. If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome wants to become pregnant, drugs and follicle-stimulating hormones can be used to treat it, to ripen follicles in the ovaries, which causes ovulation.

Endometriosis - causes of pain and reproductive problems

Another common cause of infertility is a chronic disease of endometriosis, when the mucous membrane of the uterus grows outside the uterus, usually in the abdominal cavity. This often leads to clogging of the fallopian tubes and can affect the quality of the oocytes. It can also cause severe pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse. 10% of all women suffer from endometriosis.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Women are credited with hormones in order to mature eggs in one of the ovaries. Mature eggs are extracted from the woman's ovaries using a laparoscopic method. The ovarian follicles are determined by ultrasound, and the egg is extracted with a thin needle. The sperm is added to the egg so that it can fertilize. The fertilized egg begins to divide, and develops into the embryo. The young embryo returns to the uterus, where it is attached to the mucous membrane.

We understand that the issues of reproductive in vitro both emotionally and physically are difficult.

Turkish expert's reproductive health, doctors and nursing staff understands that patients confer on them for their hopes and dreams to come true. Your personal doctor will help you feel comfortable from the moment you enter the doors of the Turkish clinics. Our clinics provide confidential genetic examinations and consultations, and respecting the tons sense of your dignity and privacy. Providing all these services in a single center means that your medical treatment will not be outsourced.

Expanded reproductive services will help your family grow. We are offering a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic services for couples who do not get pregnant naturally. Our goal is to provide our patients with the most advanced reproductive technologies, minimizing stress, which is usually associated with these procedures.

PGD ​​(preimplantation genetic diagnosis)

With modern equipment for genetic analysis, experienced and highly qualified specialists convince that the embryo will be without genetic or chromosomal abnormalities before its transplantation. Diagnostic center, PGD and IVF treatment offer a detailed and comprehensive examination and analysis of male infertility, as well as the selection of high-quality sperm. The main cause of infertility, in most cases, is genetic. With TERM s Turkish Genetical laboratories and aims to identify and address such issues by determining the germ cells anomalies (gametes) embryos and that leads to the development of effective and successful treatment strategies our patients.

Freezing / Vitrification

In Turkish experts’ extensive experience in freezing ova, sperm or embryos for preserving their fertility, using the leading methods of freezing - a 97% survival rate of oocytes or embryos.

In Vitro Fertilization

Cryopreservation of embryos (freezing of oocytes), prolonged embryo cultivation (blastocyst culture);

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).


Endocrine dysfunction, ovulatory dysfunction of polycystic ovaries, syndrome of recurrent miscarriages.

List of services of the andrology laboratory

Intrauterine insemination (VMI), semen washing, spermogram, complex diagnosis of ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), non-surgical aspiration of spermatozoa (NSA) of semen freezing.

What is infertility?

Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive a child after trying to do it for at least one year without using any contraceptive method. This problem can arise because of a health problem in one or both of the members of a married couple. In 30% of cases, infertility of the couple is associated with problems in men, about 30% - with problems in women, and about 40% - problems with fertility, both in men and women, or the main reason is not established.

What factors lead to infertility?

The main factors are sexually transmitted infections: infections of the female genitalia, infection of the testicles or sperm canal, mumps in men, irregular menstruation or their absence, endometriosis (a condition in which tissue from the uterine mucosa develops outside the uterus), congenital anomalies uterus, chronic diseases, advanced age, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

VMI (intrauterine insemination)

Sperm, obtained by masturbation, is processed in the laboratory, after which it is extracted and concentrated. A future mother, whose eggs have matured with the help of a hormonal preparation, undergoes a painless 15-minute procedure, during which the mobile spermatozoa are injected into the uterus for spontaneous fertilization. Vaccination can be carried out up to 4 times, until there are deviations in the sperm, and the pipes of the woman are open and there are no problems with the eggs or the age of the woman. On average, each procedure carries a 20% probability of success.

Children born as a result of artificial insemination

A child from a test tube technically called in vitro fertilization (IVF), this method is a procedure in which the ovaries taken from the ovaries of a future mother are combined with the sperm of the future father in the laboratory, and the embryos obtained are implanted into the mother's uterus. In the first stage of this method, the eggs are formed, and then at the appropriate time they are harvested. Fertilization occurs when they are combined in the laboratory with sperm, and the embryos are re-implanted into the mother's womb. Traditional methods of IVF were first conducted in 1978 and soon began to spread around the world. Turkish n Centralized s implementing successful IVF procedure in 1998, using the method of microinjection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg, invented in 1992.

Traditional IVF (extracorporeal / artificial insemination)

About 500,000 spermatozoa combine with each of 7 or 8 eggs, and then spontaneous fertilization is expected. IVF is usually the preferred method for women who cannot become pregnant due to problems with uterine tubes, with male infertility, and for women who have no problems with eggs.

ICSI (Microinjection of spermatozoa into the cytoplasm of the egg cell - microinjection method)

One spermatozoon is selected under a microscope and injected into each egg with a thin needle. The subsequent stages of the procedure follow the same path as in the traditional method of artificial insemination. This method reduces the risk of not fertilization. First introduced in 1992, the ICSI method is revolutionary for couples who cannot have a child, especially because of male problems. Microinjection of spermatozoa into the cytoplasm is a method that not only minimizes the possibility of failure in cases of male infertility, but also with thickening of the outer membrane of the ovum, which makes it difficult to penetrate the sperm. Also, this method is suitable for couples, who have previously used IVF, but without success, and in particular for elderly couples, and women who produce several oocytes.

Who are suitable candidates for IVF?

Both fallopian tubes are strongly blocked. In this case, spermatozoa cannot reach the ovum for fertilization, and even in less severe cases in which fertilization can occur rarely, there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

There is also a serious disorder of the number of spermatozoa, their mobility or appearance. These problems with spermatozoa can occur in combination with other problems or in themselves, and the probability of success for couples who have problems only in semen is usually higher.

Couples who underwent intra-uterine treatment were unsuccessful. IVF is not recommended for couples who still failed to become pregnant after 4 attempts.


Endometriosis. This is a condition in which the cells of the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which cause a regular menstrual cycle, develop outside the uterus, in the tubes, in the ovaries and in the abdomen. In these places, bleeding occurs during menstruation; also spikes in the abdominal cavity and cysts in the ovaries develop, and IVF treatment may be required.

The age factor, we know that the number of eggs significantly decreases in women over the age of 35. In these cases, IVF is recommended.

ECO step by step

In order to stimulate the development of ovaries in the ovaries, various drugs are used. Under normal conditions, one egg ripens every month, but in IVF we know that the probability of success increases if the eggs ripen from 10 to 20 ovules. For this reason, the ovaries are stimulated with medication. Eggs develop in small clusters of cells called follicles. Egg cells inside the follicles are not visible, and the growth of the follicle can be traced only with the use of ultrasound. Using ultrasound, the eggs are harvested 36 hours after the injection of hCG (the hormone that is used to cause ovulation). Egg cells are collected in the operating room through the vagina, under general anesthesia and with ultrasound. Sperm is obtained from men in a specially prepared room with the help of masturbation, and the laboratory selects the highest quality sperm. Subsequent procedures differ depending on whether the couple undergoes extracorporeal / artificial insemination or the microinjection method.

Auxiliary hatching

The outer membrane of the ovum (shiny membrane) is opened under a microscope with a laser or mechanically, facilitating the penetration of the embryo before it is implanted into the walls of the uterus.

Defragmentation (removal of cell debris)

From time to time embryos throw out the remains, as they divide; this reduces the quality of the embryo and can prevent division. These residues are removed by the introduction of a fine pipette.

Biopsy of the embryo

If preimplantation genetic diagnosis is performed, one or two cells that contain the embryo are extracted for genetic analysis. This procedure is aimed at achieving a selection of healthy embryos.

PGD ​​(preimplantation genetic diagnosis)

In IVF procedures, embryos are selected between the 2nd and the 6th day and are transplanted into the body of the expectant mother. Despite the selection of embryos with the best appearance, the probability of successful implantation into the uterine wall and the onset of clinical pregnancy is not 100%. In the first 3 months after fertilization, for genetic reasons miscarriages may occur. The PGD methods developed in recent years reveal that these genetic embryos are weakened. Introduction of PGD in IVF revealed some causes of low pregnancy rates. This method showed that, depending on the age, on average 30% of even better embryos (and 90% of lower quality) are genetically inferior. For this reason, the probability of pregnancy embryos that seem healthy, but have genetic abnormalities, is very low,

The higher frequency of embryonic genetic diseases in:

Women over the age of 37;

Men with severe impaired sperm or semen were obtained with a testicular biopsy and micro-injection;

Women whose partners had chromosomal disorders in their family, or who have a genetic disease;

Steam, which have repeatedly failed IVF;

Women who had 3 or more miscarriages;

Couples with a history of childbirth with a genetic disease.

Freezing embryos

If at least two healthy embryos are formed separately from those that are transplanted after treatment, they can be frozen and stored for 5 years. These embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen under very specific conditions at -196 ° C and, if necessary, they can be implanted into the patient's uterus. This process aims to achieve pregnancy with the help of frozen embryos without the re-development of eggs, their collection and laboratory procedures that have already been carried out.

Implantation of embryos into the uterus (transplantation of embryos)

From 2 to 6 days after egg collection and fertilization, one or two embryos that were formed are implanted into the mother's uterus using a special catheter in very sterile conditions. The procedure is painless and much simpler than a conventional gynecological examination. It takes about 15 minutes. The patient is then provided with detailed information on the number and quality of implanted embryos, the risk of multiple pregnancies, and precautions. The patient can return home after half an hour or so. A woman can return to work the next day if she is not associated with intense stress and physical activity. Sexual intercourse is not recommended during this period.





